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Chopsticks: Narrative & Levels

At the end of our phase 4 presentation, me and Ed (Alex was absent for personal reasons) spoke to some music students about what kind of music we wanted for our game.

The music students who appeared at the start and said there names were the following:

  • Ruby - A 2nd year student studying psychology and music with past experience helping game design students on their 3rd year projects.

  • Georgia - Another 2nd year student. She mostly works on synthetic music, and has also previously helped game design students on their 3rd year projects.

  • Robin - I didn't note his year. He is a jazz guitarist with experience in live sound, but he has not helped in a 3rd year game design project before.

  • Harry - A 3rd year student who mostly makes music with keyboards and does media composition. He too has prior experience helping game design students in their 3rd year projects.


Conversation Summaries

Due to the events that will transpire directly correlating with what the tasks and levels are, I will be noting them together.




Harry went to ask what kind of tone we planned for the game's music. At that point, Ed and I weren't certain what to say without Alex there. However, we did mention that we were interested in a goofier tone. This prompted Harry to suggest having dramatic music for scenes that would normally be serious in other games, such as a gunfight, to be humorous by parodying those genres' music.


Georgia expressed some interest in providing music for our game, and asked us what kind of music we were thinking –largely in terms of whether we wanted orchestral, acoustic or synthetic music. As with Harry, Ed and I weren't certain what to say without Alex there. However, we did mention that a similar tone to the Wii Mii Theme seemed like it would fit well with the game. Then, Ed mentioned that elevator music would likely also be a good source of inspiration, and Georgia seemed like she would be happy creating those kinds of songs. We had mentioned that we were also considering having more dramatically intense music for scenes that would normally be serious in other games, such as a gunfight, to be humorous by parody; as suggested by Harry.

The Students

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